Our raspberry and blackberry crops are grown under the protection of polytunnels. The tunnels are covered in a special luminescent plastic which distributes the light evenly and provides shelter from rain, and severe heat and creates a positive, controlled growing climate. The controlled environment of tunnels provides the opportunity to integrate with other emerging technologies. Polytunnels create their own microclimate, where we can take the guesswork out of growing by compiling and processing large amounts of data and can help advise when tasks should occur.
Our strawberries are grown in both soil and on a system called ‘table tops’. We are currently converting our soil footprint to table tops, where the fruiting plants are grown from substrate. The substrate consists of a coconut fibre mix called coir and is sustainably drip-fed water and nutrients through a hydroponic system. In the table tops, the strawberries are not only picked with ease but provide increased efficiencies in the production process and can extend the growing season, providing more consistent employment.
Integrated pest management system (IPM) for biological control (releasing beneficial insects to predate pests that are harmful to our crops) has been an integral part of our workplace practices. IPM is a positive and environmentally friendly alternative to the use of conventional pesticide chemicals. This practice has seen a significant reduction in the use of chemicals and is important for good husbandry practices as part of an integrated approach.
Bee health and pollination is a crucial focus for Queensland Berries. European honeybees are useful pollinators of raspberries, blackberries and strawberries across all sites. Bee pollination has several benefits for fruit quality that include; a higher number of fruits, better quality of produce, greater biodiversity in the farm, and a healthier ecosystem better equipped to deal with environmental changes. We conduct practices to assess pollinator health, with inspections of hive activity and rotation of low-performing hives. It is of the utmost attention to improving environmental-specific techniques that manage crop yield in pollinator-dependent protected cropping systems while safeguarding the health of bees.
The integration of new technologies and computerised nutrition and irrigation systems has enabled our company to improve efficiencies. Soil and substrate media monitoring operate off new integrated control systems that enable our specialists to monitor, adjust and collect weather data and in-field factors in real-time. At a base level it records EC and pH levels, UV Radiation, Barometric Pressure, Humidity, Temperature, Dew point, Wind speed/direction, Rain rate and daily rain; all at the click of a button.
Sustainability is a major focus at Queensland Berries. From protected cropping to fertigation and integrated pest management, whenever there is an opportunity to learn, grow and improve, we strive to be a leader in the industry.
We are the future of agriculture, and it is in our power to protect, preserve, and progress.